Sarah Kasserman
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Established 198o

I’m a South Jersey artist who has been creating in different mediums since I can remember. After being a collage artist for a long period I hit a creative block. It was years in fact. Frustrated and consumed by the need to create anything, I decided to give something else a go, so I came back to a tried and true, oil painting.  Now art consumes all of my free time. Painting, writing and collage work. I allow myself to be open to inspiration, wherever it may come from. It might be an image I saw on Reddit, or come from a casual conversation with a friend. So far, it’s done me well and who am I to doubt my creative process?

I choose images from the want to capture a small moment in time. I love a quiet moment after, or just one second of swirling movement. Those in between moments, the transitions, make up most of our life. If we are constantly blowing past them, we miss out on most of life. I hope to make people stop and take pause, if only to look at an image in front of them and see there is not only beauty in the crescendo, but in the road before and after as well.